
20/11 its my day


1201am receive zhongdailou d msg
she is the first one
who say happybirthday to me
so..the second one>>holy
thx alot (tat present):]
num3 is my lucky number
who was my luvky star?
omg!is jiahao!!!he is the third one!!
it was reali shocked n syokX)
damn happy^w^
SING is the 4thXD
but she said many many times to me larr
today 8smtg wakeup larr
makeup makeup~wee~
juz simply makeup oni lar
din put fake eyeflash more natural
so is the time to go find laopo
11smtg start waiting xiaoyu liao
saw L again XD is xiaoyu's shirt lar
xiaoyu so sui one
say my laopo lik a ghost. HMP!
reach there ofcoz go cinema one
duno wan watch which movie leh
finally we choose 'skyline'
someone fong fei gei AGAIN lar...
last year oso lik tat..fine.heng!
den we go food court eat lunch lurr
xiaoyu go secret recipe buy a cake for me
hontoni arigatou neh~!!thankyou vr vr much
den we walk here walk there to digest those food
coz it was too fullX.X
the cinema still tat cold
finish watching the movie den we go bookfair
but xiaoyu dunwan go neh...
i nid to find queeny
so is the time to say bye lar.xiaoyu
i saw yao xiang in bookfair
she said saw xiaoyu and me ...
hahas.we juz frenX)
lei lam duo jor larr
haiyo~so many ppl leh
its hard to find queeny@@
owh!!i saw 林宇中!!!!
lengzaii man~he's so tall~~
finally i found queeny larr~
but she cant talk too much
coz she's on duty
aww..i miss her sooo much
long time no see her liao lorr
still tat short!XDD jkjk
O.o luilui call me neh~~
i heard it~thx vr much
lai~bei mami sek yat damXD
after tat laopo n me go da gei cheong
go there money sure fly~~away d lor
ply for awhile den alr 0545++
owh no...run to bustop
reali hot man...
phew~the bus still there~
so..going home at 6smtg
wait daddy reach home
den start celebrate^w^
happybirthday to me~
happybirthday to me~
happybirthday to yuanqing~
happybirthday to me~
happy sweet fourteen

xiaoyu buy cake for me^^

tis one is mami bake d

yay~who wan to eat?XD

NYAAAA~~~~today laopo kiss me^W^

0501AM is the time i finish tis post
going to dream someoneX
